
My Employment

Full Stack Coding Boot Camp UC Berkeley Extension | Jul 2018 - Present |

San Francisco, CA

3 months program with 40+ hours of personal coding per week to use the skills to build responsive sites and web applications.

Sales Representative - Target Corp. | 2014 - 2018 |

Alameda, CA

  • Communicated with up to 30 people/day and up to 160+ per week
  • Lead online ordering team to earn over $1M in first year for in house fulfillment services
  • Improved team satisfaction by 23% with weekly 1v1 updates with team members and monthly volunteer events
  • Handled up to $20,000+ of inventory of inbound receiving, outbound orders, and returns


Bachelor's of Science San Francisco State University | 2013 - 2018 |

San Francisco, CA

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A), Finance


Tutor - Edison Elementary School | 2010 - 2015 |

Alameda, CA

  • Assisted students by helping them with math
  • Helped students with long term semester projects

Coach - Alameda Soccer Club | 2012 - 2015 |

Alameda, CA

  • Volunteer coach for a soccer team of children from age’s seven to ten
  • Provided players with new tactics with drills and short games from senior coaches.
  • Attended games and provided advice to players to improve their soccer skills
  • Often tended players and parents with issues, injuries, and other inquires to ensure player safety