BAmazon Shopping

Welcome Shoppers

This website is designed for users to shop just like Amazon and Ebay

Except there's one catch that you will need Terminal and a couple of other packages to run.
But don't worry the instructions below are detailed so users can easily move throughout their shopping experience.

You need to go and download Node.js if you don't already have Node

Step 1

After downloading Node.js, you need to go and open up terminal

Step 2

Go to Github and copy the git url to do a git clone in terminal with that url and wait until you see it in your desktop

Step 3

After you navigated, go a head a install the following once you are in the file

  • npm i mysql
  • npm i inquirer
  • npm i cli-table
  • npm i figlet

Step 4

Your Done play around with either Customer, Manager, or Supervisor

Whatever each role does impacts the others in many ways but just like real stores and websites, there are out of stocks, limited items, etc.

Step 5